What is “JSLRS International Congress of Leisure and Recreation Studies 2025”

The Japan society of Leisure and Recreation Studies (JSRLS) celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2020. So far, various kinds of research and studies on leisure and recreation have been conducted in Japan and have contributed to society. However, it has been difficult for some researchers to present their work to the world because of the psychological, physical, and financial aspects of presenting in an international setting. 


 There fore, attempt, we have decided to promote academic exchange activities that incorporate an international perspective. We are pleased to announce that JSLRS International Congress of Leisure and Recreation Studies 2025 will be held under the theme of “The Mission of Leisure and Recreation ” . JSRLS welcomes a wide variety of researchers and practitioners to its congreass and is working hard to ensure the smooth operation of the conference.


 This congress will be held online, so you will have a great opportunity to communicate with the world from your home. We hope you will join us. We look forward to seeing you there.

International Meeting of Leisure and Recreation Studies(レジャー・レクリエーション研究国際会議)の概要




 つきましては、「レジャー・レクリエーションの使命」をテーマに、2025 International Congress of Leisure and Recreation Studies(2025レジャー・レクリエーション研究国際会議)を開催いたします。

